
Things u should realise after u've watched Final Destination 5



U have to watch it in cinemas coz the effects would've been different and depend on individuals.

Ok,here the things

1.Never ever ever ride a bus on a bridge while u're sleeping and dream sumthin that really gonna happen when u woke up.

2.Do not be friends to the people who can see the future then tell u that u're gonna die (horrifidigustifanstantically way of dying).

3.Put chalk powder away.don't want it to mess with your acrobatics and die do u?

4.Never believe that acupuncture would work... (percaya la pade senaman)

5.To all the eye doctors, please turn off the laser when not in use...(save d electricty,save the cheerleader,then save the world,xtgk cite heroes ke).

6.Love the food.Love the  chefs. just hate the kitchen.people could like...die cooking.

7.When anybody tells u to get the of the plane coz the plane will crash,u should cancel the flight.

8.Lastly,u should realise u shouldnt watch f.destination alone coz sometimes it makes u paranoid or giler bayang (bukan angau tapi takut dgn bayang2)

p/s : bile lar malaysia nak kuar citer2 camni

kalau ader la citer camtu nak cara mati camni camtu camto

1.Seseorang tu mati dek termakan budu yang telah bercampur dgn panadol yg dah expired

2.Dibunuh oleh harimau malaya dgn pistol mainan kat hutan dek marah spesis diorang terancam.

3.Mercun buatan sendiri yg meletup tiba2 tanpa dinyalakan api atau sumber yg membolehkan mercun tu meletup.

4.Tertelan buah durian ( bukan biji atau isi dalamnye)......tapi camner boleh tertelan?

5.Cuba berenang ke sabah dan sarawak dan berlanggar dgn kapal .

6.Mencampurkan air sirap limau dgn air basuh tandas yg warnanye cam sirap.

7.Menggabungkan resipi nasi lemak dan roti canai telor seterusnye manjadikan ia naroti lemanai dan memakannye tanpa segan silu.

(ini sekadar gurauan dan berdoalah pada Allah supaya dipanjangkan umur)

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